Electronics Notebook

A4 squared-grid spiral-bound notebook with watermark breadboards and electronics reference material. 158 pages.

Electronics Notebook

Electronics Notebook

Electronics Notebook

Electronics Notebook

Electronics Notebook

Where to Buy

You can buy the Electronics Notebook directly from the following retailers.

Australia - CD Soft

Canada - Robotshop

Canada - pishop.ca

South Africa - Barend

The Netherlands - Elektor

UK - Pimoroni Ltd

UK - The Pi Hut


USA - Adafruit

USA - pishop.us


Electronics Notebook

A4 (210 x 297mm) squared-grid spiral-bound notebook with watermark breadboards. 158 pages, card covers.

The book also includes

  • Microcontroller programming cheat sheet
  • Common circuits and calculations
  • Pinouts
  • Resistor color codes
  • ASCII table



Hi Res Images (Google File Share)

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